Cursor Drag Speed Changes with Zoom Level

When zoomed in or out in the diagram, tables are dragged slower or faster than the cursor depending on the relative zoom level. It appears that the mouse x and y coordinate system is converted to the table coordinate system without accounting for zoom. Therefore, relative to the cursor, tables move around slower when zoomed out and faster when zoomed in.


posted on 17 Apr 24

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Interesting observation !  I was able to reproduce this behavior. 

I will look into it. Hopefully this is not causing huge inconvenience to your work.


This bug is now resolved. You should be able to drag objects seamless regardless of zoom "level".

Refresh the page once as it maybe cached in your browser. Please give it a try and let me know. 


Fixed another issue related to zoom + pan. It was jumping all over. Fixed it now. Pan and Zoom is now smooth